Hole in the Wall Seafood Market and Raw Bar

Overall Rating 3.9 (71 reviews)


Hole in the Wall Seafood Market and Raw Bar Description

The Hole in the Wall Seafood Market and Raw Bar restaurant is located at the 23 Avenue D, Apalachicola FL. It serves Raw and Seafood food. The avarage rating of this restaurant rated by 71 reviewers is 3.9. For more deatils and orders call Hole in the Wall Seafood Market and Raw Bar on (850) 653-3222.

Hole in the Wall Seafood Market and Raw Bar Phone Number

Hole in the Wall Seafood Market and Raw Bar Opening Hours

Opening Time is not available.


Hole in the Wall Seafood Market and Raw Bar Location

Hole in the Wall Seafood Market and Raw Bar Facilities

Full Alcohol BarFull Alcohol Bar

Hole in the Wall Seafood Market and Raw Bar Website

Website URL is not available.

Hole in the Wall Seafood Market and Raw Bar Cuisine

Raw , Seafood

Hole in the Wall Seafood Market and Raw Bar Address

23 Avenue D
Apalachicola , Florida , 32320
United States


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